Module 3- Knowledge and Clinical Judgement
After completing the third module about knowledge and clinical judgement I learned a lot about my learning style. I have learned about learning styles in the past and I always thought I was just a visual learner. However, after completing the module and especially after the first couple of weeks in nursing labs and clinical, I have noticed that I am definitely a mixture of a visual as well as a tactile learner. I have found that I learn best when I watch someone do a skill first and then do it myself. This way by watching first I can ensure that I remember the procedure correctly and when I do it myself, I can remember it for the future. I know, and have always known, that I am not an auditory learner. I can not remember something that I have only heard and not seen. I think my learning style stems from my primary education in Montessori which was a primarily hands on learning environment. Then in high school, I went to a technical school where every other week we would go to our perspective shops and learn skills in a hands-on environment as well. Now in college, I know how I learn and what I need to do in order to study a subject based on my learning style.