Art in Nursing

This piece of art is very special to me, it shows so much in just a simple drawing and it is also drawn by my very talented big sister. When I look at this drawing I see a rib cage along with the thoracic spine leading to the pelvic bone, however it is not just any ordinary skeleton. Weaved into the detailed drawing of human bones are beautiful pieces of nature which can mean many different things depending on the perception of the viewer. To me it perfectly describes the art in nursing. The human body is magnificent. Cells form into tissues, tissues form to organs, organs form to systems, and systems form to create a human with a functioning body. This drawing depicts how fragile but beautiful the human body truly is. Occasionally, since the body is so fragile, it doesn’t work as smoothly as it is supposed to, and that is where nursing fits in. As nurses we assess and treat a patient in order to rebuild the ill body into the beautiful functioning body it should be.
3 thoughts on “Art in Nursing”
I love the meaning behind your artwork. It makes it more powerful because it was done by somebody close to you. While my art work focused on the good and the bad of nursing, yours focused on the science of it and the beauty of the body. I do agree with you, the body is magnificent and it is frail sometimes but nurses help fix those parts.
Hi Audrey!
I really enjoyed the personalized touch that you added to your post-It’s so cool that the artwork you picked is done by your sister! I also really liked the way you interpreted the meaning behind it. I agree that nursing helps to “rebuild” the broken, and do everything in our power to help heal.
I really like the connection you made about how nursing restores the body to its natural and beautiful state. This was different from my focus, which was the emotional connection with the patient. I think this is a great point that the nursing profession in itself is a combination of science and beauty.