From Inquiry through Discovery
This project so far has taught me more about teamwork, as well as the importance of evidence based practice in the healthcare field. When creating our PICOT question, we knew the topic that we wanted to focus on which was the risk of catheter associated urinary tract infections. However, after communicating with our professor we felt that we were not as detailed as we needed to be in our first draft of our question so we decided to rewrite it to make the question right. Due to this challenge we decided to look at the factors associated with urinary catheters that may cause catheter associated urinary tract infections. We thought about sterile technique, error and types of catheters but decided to include the factor of duration of the inserted catheter and what effect it had on the incidence of catheter associated urinary tract infections. Some successes that we experienced during this process was being able to figure out a topic that we all agreed would be interesting to write our final paper about. We also noticed that we work really well as a team and instead of separating the work, we typically do everything as a team (either on zoom or in person) to talk through assignments so we can put our heads together and everyone is on the same page. Personally, I have not seen any imbalance in work load between team members as we typically do everything together.