Preparation for Licensure (Adult Medical-Surgical CAT)
After taking the ATI adult medical surgical CAT, I learned that when I’m taking an adaptive test, I need to really slow down, read all of the question and all of the answers because one word can change an entire question. I feel that because of the drastic range in the number of questions we can get for these CAT’s I tent to just “go with my gut” and not truly think about what the question is asking. I also need to remember my test taking strategies during these tests because if I don’t know the answer to a question, these strategies may help me to figure it out, or at least narrow it down. I feel that the majority of these questions I was comfortable with because of the amount of medical-surgical experience we have had as students which helped during this exam. For the next assessment I will leave enough time for me to leave and come back to the exam, not attempt to do it all in one sitting as that is when I tend to rush through the questions and not fully read the question and answer. Also, for the next exam, if I run into a question that I am unsure of I will remember my test taking strategies and use them to my advantage and hopefully figure out the answer to the question.