Preparation for Licensure (ATI Pediatric CAT)
For this adaptive test, I feel that because I was able to focus and complete the test in a quiet environment and fully read through each question and answer, I did surprisingly well! There were still a few questions that I wish I slowed down and read completely as I missed a few key words that would have helped me get to the answer however compared to my past experience with rushing through an exam, I feel that this one went much better than before. For next time I could take the test even slower to make sure I read through each question and don’t get any questions incorrect because of missed key words or not thinking it through all the way. For this exam I did end up taking one break in the middle of it because I had to leave for an obligation. For next time, I plan to not take any breaks so I can continue to build up my test taking endurance and not have to take any breaks.