Blog 5

Blog 5

This first peer review assignment really opened my eyes to my attention to detail. It was very difficult for me to refrain from making small corrections, like adding a comma or getting rid of certain punctuations. In fact, at some points I did add a comma or period because it helped me as a reader. I had to keep telling myself that I need to focus on the big picture and not the tiny details of each essay that I peer reviewed. Making global edits seems a lot harder for me to make then making local edits. I feel that when making global edits, you really have to remember the details of what you are reading in order to ensure that what the writer is trying to say makes sense. Also, you have to remember the details to make sure that the essay flows nicely, has some sort of order or structure and is easy to read. When peer reviewing, I need to remember that I am acting as the reader and making global edits such as fixing the thesis or flow of the paper, not as the teacher and making local edits such as adding commas or other punctuation marks.

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