Blog 6
While reading Lamott’s piece “Shitty first drafts,” I felt that I connected with her process of writing a first draft. Personally, I tend to not really focus on what I’m writing and just put all my thoughts down on paper. I don’t even focus on the claim sentence, or topic of each paragraph, I just write everything down and hand it in as my first draft. I wasn’t offended by Lamott’s writing, I feel like I connect with her a lot and it almost makes me feel more comfortable to write the way I do because I know that professional writers have the same writing process as I do.
My Revision Plan
For my Revision plan for this essay, I plan to remove any fluff, add more examples and analyze them, clarify topics and create a better thesis that I can use to begin my essay
The steps I plan to use include:
- Create a thesis that is specific and starts my paper in a way that makes the reader want to keep reading, and encompass all of the topics that I will be writing about in my essay
- Create claim sentences for all of my paragraphs so not only my reader can understand what each paragraph is about but also so I can make sure that all the information in that paragraph directly relates to the claim sentence and I can remove anything that doesn’t make sense in that paragraph
- Remove any information that I deem unnecessary, or doesn’t make sense to be in my essay so that every sentence in my essay is important and makes the reading more interesting
- Add any necessary information to make the flow of my paragraphs easy to understand and less “choppy”
- Add more examples and analyzation of the examples directly from the text or from secondary sources in order to make more sense of my topics
- Read over my essay multiple times and have my peers, parents and google read over it as well so that I can have google read it to me and I can see if it makes sense and flows well, and my parents and peers can tell me anything that they feel would benefit me in my writing.