Blog 14

Blog 14

I always appreciate peer reviews because they provide edits that I wouldn’t be able to catch on my own. I think my largest issue in this free write was thinking of claim sentences. My goal for my final paper is to have engaging and interesting claim sentences for each paragraph and have it flow nicely. I also feel that I need to include more quotes from other sources in order to back up my argument. In order for this to happen, I feel I need to create an outline with claim sentences that I can use and mix them around until I can find the order that makes the most sense. I will then go back to previous sources and other podcasts from the class and find quotes that I can use for a naysayer paragraph or other quotes to backup my argument. Like I said, I feel like my biggest challenge that I have faced through writing all my papers is coming up with a clear and cohesive thesis, then creating concise claim sentences that flow nicely through my paper. If these challenges come to be too much for me, I plan to use my peers to help me, as well as professor Emerson and the Student Academic Success center in order to help me get over those hurtles.

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